Kate Merrick's latest update:

Daisy is home and happy to be working in the garden! What a long week…

Now we wait. We wait for Daisy’s body to recover, wait for the CT scan, and wait for her to be well enough to travel.

We tend to think of waiting as a fruitless endeavor, but that is not always the case. We plan on making the most of our waiting game; there is so much to be learned and accomplished. As the days go by we are deepening the roots of our love as a family. There is something to be said for a clear schedule and abundant time. Teachable moments arise daily, for all of us. We are so aware that the very rhythms of life have a beauty of their own. From picking zucchini out of the garden and serving it hours later to hanging clothes on the line together. Dancing in the living room, reading in a fort, telling corny jokes, doing chores… They all have a sweetness peppered with the reality of the fragrance of suffering. It’s funny how a little bit of salt makes the chocolate taste better; a little bitter makes the seemingly mundane a delicious treat. We are grateful for time, even in the form of waiting. We are grateful to suck the marrow out of life, whether we are in treatment or remission, whether busy or still. I encourage you, our sweet friends and prayer warriors, to stop today and watch a spider spin a web, to eat summer produce and let it drip off your chin, to look at your loved ones with new eyes, not looking to “fix” but to forgive. Not to “survive” but to savor.

I sound sappy today, but I never cease to feel this way after being released from the hospital. As I have said before, in the words of a wise woman I know of, today is all any of us have.

James 1:17
Whatever is good and perfect came down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.